terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2014

Font awesome 4 7 0 by @davegandy

Font Awesome , the iconic font and CSS framework. Same things goes for shadow, and anything else that gets inherited using CSS. View Lab Report - font-awesome. ACCT Z124B at University of California, Los Angeles.

The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit - cdnjs. The best FOSS CDN for web related libraries to speed up your websites! It was made by Dave Gandy for use with Twitter Bootstrap, and later was incorporated into the . My best solution is to add a new rule in dispatcher. URL parameters for the requests to the font awesome assets.

Iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap. Install- Package FontAwesome -Version 4. Available source files and icon fonts for both personal and commercial use. License: Open Font License. While trying to use the. JavaScript package on npm - Libraries.

Font awesome 4 7 0 by @davegandy

Updated to fontawesome 4. Animations — Wrap anything with the animation shortcode and watch it come alive. Fork Awesome is licensed under SIL OFL 1. It is just like a font but in place of letters, we have icons! Font awesome is one such web font.

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